Thursday Thirteen #25
1. Mana is the devine power.
2. And Hawaiians have a keen awareness of this supernatural force running through all things.
3. For it is their natural consciousness to be psychic.
4. And they read signs and omens into elemental phenomena.
5. For them there is nothing that isn’t alive.
6. For everything has mana in some form ………… rocks and plants, mountains, winds and sea.
7. And water in all its form is the symbol for this mystical power called mana ……… water in all it’s changing moods:
8. Wailele: the waterfall ………
9. Ua: the rain ………
10. Uhiwai: the mist ………
11. Kahawai: the gentle stream ………
12. And moana: the mighty ocean.
13. Maka mua: the beginning ………
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